Monday, January 18, 2016

35 Terms Related to Google Adsense for Publishers that Every BloggersMust Know

35 Terms Related to "Google Adsense" for Publishers that Every Bloggers Must Know

What is Google Adsense for Publishers ?

Yahoo and google adsense is actually a component of Yahoo and google Ad program. It's a free program introduced with regard to web publishers. Anyone who owns the web page or even blog site with high quality content material can certainly advertise their own living space with regard to advertisings with Yahoo and google Commercials partner program. But if your the search engines adsense is actually disabled for some factors, you can use adsense choices generate monies your site.

If you are a blogger and running Google Adsense for Publishers on your website, you must know the definitions for the below mentioned terms. Google adsense is the best monetizing option for any blogger or pro blogger. When you run adsense on your blog, it is our responsibility to understand the terms used in the business front that is related to advertisement program.

Active Views: Number of live views while you are checking your reports. Active has nothing to do with your Google AdSense earnings. However, the more the number of active views is the more healthy sign of the quality of the content.

Ad Unit: Each and every individual ad you have created is called Ad Unit.The Ad units are used to identify the performance of each and every ad by naming them separately. There are several types of ad units. They are:
Link Units
Text and Image Units
Responsive Ad Units
Adsense for Search
Ads: Ads is the acronym of the word advertisements. It is the small portion which contains a title, URL and the small description about the product or service.
Adsense: The name of the advertisement program found by Google. Publishers sell their website space for displaying advertisements and make money. The AdSense program is purely optional for any publisher. However, the publisher must get the approval from google AdSense and then only ads can be displayed.
Adsense for Search: It is the another section of AdSense. Here, the publishers like you and me can create a custom search engine and place it in our website. Every time a visitor searches our site, ads will be displayed on the top or right or at the bottom based on the preference. Based on the clicks we will make money.
Adwords: It is another side of the google advertisement program. However, this program is for advertiser who prefer to advertise their product or service. Based on the agreement with google and business owners, the advertisers pay for google.
Banner Blindness: It is a phenomenon where the visitor is led to a situation where they could not differentiate an ad unit and the content of the article.
Bid: It is the auction rate for displaying an ad on our site. Multiple advertisers will compete for single keyword to display their service on website. The advertiser who quotes more will win the chance of displaying ads on the site.
Blog: A free website hosting to share our opinion and ideas for free. In general It is hosted by subdomain service providers like, and many more.
Blogger: It is the free blogging service provided by google for free. Initially blogger was a different entity and Google purchased blogger and made it as asset of google.
Click: It is the term used for a selection of an interested link/image made using the mouse pointer.
Click Exchange: It is the unhealthy practice followed by bloggers who are trying to cheat google by expressing mutual interest to click on each others advertisements. This practice is against google advertisements program policies and any account found to provide invalid click will lead to life time termination.
Clickthrough Rate (CTR): Click through Rate (CTR) is the number of impressions divided by number of clicks on the advertisements.
Conversion or Conversion Rate (CR): Conversion rate is similar to Click Through Rate in the concept wise. However, it differs by a small variation. It is total number of clicks divided by total conversion. Let us say my website receives 10 visitors today, there are 3 ad units on the page. Two visitors clicks on advertisements. The Impressions is 30. The CTR is 15% (30/2). Out of two clicks, of one visitor subscribes to the newsletter of the advertiser, it is called a conversion. Here, out of 2 clicks, one conversion was made. Hence, the conversion rate is 50% (2/1)
Cost per Action (CPA): Cost per action (CPA) is a paid advertisement program where the advertiser will compensate only when the visitor completes an action. The action may of any type like watching a complete vide, sharing the website, subscribing to newsletter and etc,.
Cost per Click (CPC): Cost per Click (CPC) gives revenue for the publisher for every click that is made on the advertisement. It is one of the famous option for several publishers.
Cost per Impression (CPI): Cost per Impression (CPI) model pays the publishers for the number of impressions and not per click. If you drive in a visitor, the advertiser will compensate you based on the agreement.
Cost per Thousand (CPM): Cost per Thousand (CPM) pays the publisher for 1000 impression.
Custom Channels: It allows the AdSense publishers to customize the existing ad units and make them targetable for the advertisers. The advertisers will check your channel and prefer to serve the ad at high cost per click (CPC)
Estimated earnings: It is the potential earning report. It will include the earning from all valid and invalid clicks. The amount shown here are subject to variation as the invalid clicks will be monitored and adjusted accordingly.
Finalized earnings: It is the final earning after removing the invalid clicks and any other adjustments. You will receive this amount for sure.
Impression: Impressions are the number of times the advertisements are displayed. If a page has 3 ad units in it, every page visit will lead to 3 impressions. If there is 10 visits or page views, the impression will be 30.
Invalid Account Activity: Any activity on the AdSense account that is against the terms of service of Google AdSense Program and policies. Google has very strong algorithm to determine invalid activity. If an account is found to have invalid account activity, the account will be banned or suspended.
Invalid Click: A click made on the advertisement that is invalid. It is considered as invalid due to multiple reasons like multiple clicks from same IP address.
IP address: It is the physical representation of the hardware used to click or access website running Google AdSense.
Organic Visitors: Visitors driven from search engines like google, yahoo, Bing and They search for a specific term and visit the site from the search result.
Pages: It is the place on internet that contains the details of the product or service.
Pay per Click (PPC): It is the payment system for the advertisements. The publishers are compensated for every click that the visitor makes.
Performance: It is the rating system developed by google to determine the activities of the ad units and to track the revenue generated based on the agreement between the google and publishers and advertisers.
Platform: It is the device used to access the websites of the publishers. The device can be a tablet, iPad, smart phone, laptop or a computer.
Post: It is an individual article on the website. Every article can be considered as a post. In general, it is known as blog post.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): It is the process of optimizing a website or article or post so that the search engine can understand the content of the article. Indirectly, it is the process of making the search engine understand what is the core of the content.
Self Click: An illegal way of making a click on AdSense ads by the AdSense account owner. The self click generated by publishers are against google AdSense toss and their account will face termination for sure.
URL Channels: Another tracking method for AdSense performance. It used the URL of the website to present the performance of the ad units and revenue. In simple words, you can view the performance of the ads on website basis.
Views: Number of page visited on a website. It can be a single visitor navigating to multiple articles or 10 visitors visiting a site. For example, if a website has 10 views, it can be 10 unique visitor or 5 visitors visiting two pages each.

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